First when we received clear balance from buyers next within 2 to 3 days we will submit LR copy to buyers and buyers can observe shipping history with tracking site of every transports online tracking system.
In case of bulk order we will take care personally on WhatsApp or email direct to our buyers for each and every progressive stage of production packing forwarding and lift goods at transport depot.
Buyers has take care he want goods without packing or with packing and it’s costing parts also aircompressorexport.com not responsible for brakeage or damage in transits time.
Buyers should be clearly mention in online data entry he wat door delivery or godwon delivery once we booked goods later on it will be not changeable or challengeable.
If customer has booked goods with godown delivery or door delivery that time access online all shipping status with transport’s online tracking systems for that aircompressorexport.com not responsible to give feedback where is reached the goods. & if buyers have any question regarding delivery that time buyers has to call direct transporters for that issue with docket no.